
Cash Flow Management

Cash flow management in construction

Significant impact of payment items on cash flow management

Cash flow management can be influenced by a wide range of tools in the construction sector. In installment invoicing, payment installments that are thought out optimally in terms of cash flow, such as the speed and ease of invoicing as a whole, are crucial to maintaining good payment capacity of companies.

Payment schedules

The impact of pre-thought installment tables on cash flow is significant

Have you wondered how small adjustments to payment schedules can have a significant impact on cash flow? Putting enough different payment batch tables in Fondion ensures that each person chooses a payment batch table that makes sense in terms of cash flow.

Feel free to create dozens of installment tables to use if needed
Press the button to select the appropriate payment schedule for the project
The role of an accountant is very important, give her the opportunity to succeed

Sales Invoicing

Sales invoice creation in seconds generates interest to invoice quickly

Very often, in companies, invoicing is done when there is time to do it. By invoicing your customers in a timely manner, you safeguard your company's finances and cash flow. Billing should be very easy and fast, in which case invoicing is done densely and not after other “everyday hassle”.

Fondion automatically generates sales invoices
Fondion's billing automation ensures fast invoicing
The role of an accountant is very important, give her the opportunity to succeed

Invoicing automation

Ease of creation of invoicing material helps control cash flow

No line-level data input to the sales invoice, and no customer or project data entry to the sales invoice at all. These things are automatically invoiced. Fondion also automatically detects the purchase invoice lines to be re-billed or the hours of work to be billed according to the statement.

You can easily select invoice lines from different sources for one invoice
You can send a payment installment with the same or different invoice to the customer
The role of an accountant is very important, give her the opportunity to succeed

Payment times

Take care of longer payment schedules for suppliers

You should make sure that your suppliers' payment terms are commensurate with your customers' payment terms. Providers with long payment terms will not help your business if there are delays in the billing process. Or short payment periods for your customers.

Take care of your billing speed first with easy invoicing
Check your suppliers' payment terms when checking purchase invoices
The role of an accountant is very important, give her the opportunity to succeed


Impact of different contract formats on cash flow

If your system does not have automation to recognize the contract format, billing will occur with a long delay or even completely unbilled. Based on the form of the contract, Fondion identifies whether it is still invoicing, invoicing by deed or installation invoicing.

Automatic recognition of different forms of contract for additional work
At Fondion you have invoicing, unit price, total price and target price assignments
The role of an accountant is very important, give her the opportunity to succeed

Features of fondion

You achieve budget-level cost tracking at a sufficient sub-area level, allowing you to see the real factors influencing profitability.

See Fondion in action

Arrange a presentation with us and you'll get an idea in an hour of how Fondion can help your company make its business more efficient. Does not bind to anything.

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