
Ease of Use

Easy to use ERP system for construction

A consumer-like user experience is a basic requirement in companies

In the competitive market of construction, it is no longer possible for companies to conduct successful business by manually entering data into various systems. Customers expect offers quickly, employees know what needs to be done at the site, and company management automatically generates a budget for cost tracking.

Quotation calculation library

Pre-thought content makes it easier to calculate

Very often, companies think that their accounting is so exceptional or they deal with such diverse projects that a ready-made calculation library cannot be created. In reality, the greatest benefit is obtained for such companies, because new contents can be gradually added to the calculation library, which can then be used as needed.

Consistent quotation and cost estimation
Automatic updating of material and labor costs to the library
The role of an accountant is very important, give her the opportunity to succeed

Allocation of payment schedules

The impact of the payment schedule on cash flow is significant

Pre-establishing various payment schedules for maintenance significantly aids in managing the company's cash flow. Based on our experience, contractors have many different options to influence payment schedules if the contractor is proactive in presenting proposals. The impact on the company's cash situation can be hundreds of thousands of euros.

Allocating the payment schedule to the project with the press of a button
Significant impact on billing speed as invoicing is easy and fast
The role of an accountant is very important, give her the opportunity to succeed

Offer and contract documents

Automatically generated proposal and contract documents with the right content

Have you considered how significant the impact of quotation and contract documents ultimately is on whether the customer trusts your company? And have you thought about how substantial the impact of a well-crafted proposal is on your company's profitability and customer satisfaction?

Automatically generated by the calculation
Tell your client what the project contains and what it doesn't
The role of an accountant is very important, give her the opportunity to succeed

New projects for the site manager

No more data interruptions, new projects automatically assigned to site managers

Is this situation familiar: the estimator has planned the execution in a certain way, but the information hasn't reached the site manager or project manager? Give your management team the opportunity to succeed in the project by automatically providing them with the right information.

The person in charge of the project can see their projects in a single view
Diving into the project (including cost tracking) with the press of a button
The role of an accountant is very important, give her the opportunity to succeed

Cost monitoring budget

No more manual budget keying for cost monitoring

One of the most crucial factors for profitability is the real-time cost tracking automatically generated from the estimation with sufficient accuracy. Specifically, cost tracking that is directly synchronized with the estimation, automatically formed, is a key factor in ensuring profitability.

Monitor with sufficient accuracy, but not too closely
Easily see deviations in different areas
The role of an accountant is very important, give her the opportunity to succeed

Features of fondion

You achieve budget-level cost tracking at a sufficient sub-area level, allowing you to see the real factors influencing profitability.

See Fondion in action

Arrange a presentation with us and you'll get an idea in an hour of how Fondion can help your company make its business more efficient. Does not bind to anything.

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